Who Has the Power?

Who has the power?

I remember when I was a kid, there was a cartoon called Heman and He would hold up his sword over his head and then be transformed as he said his all time famous line “I have the power!”


Wether you think about it or not, you would probably like to have more power.

If you had more power, you would probably have more money, more control over how things go, more say in those things that are important to you.

You would have the ability to work things out the way you want them and you think… if I could do that, if I had more power, I would be happy.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRvfrxBE2w4[/embedyt]

The Pursuit of Power

The reality is, we live in a world consumed with the pursuit of power.

It’s no longer up for grabs just for politicians and CEOs, it seems like everyone is trying to grow their platform, we have people who we have identified as “influencers,” and the rest of us… if we’re honest we’re always looking for ways to have more power, stay in power, and sometimes we do that at the expense of others.

But here’s the thing… somewhere along the way we believed a lie.

We believed the lie that if we had more power, more control, more say, we would be happy and we would have the life we always wanted.

Yours is the Power

When early Christians prayed the Lord’s Prayer, that’s the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray that begins with, “Our Father, in Heaven, holy is your name…” they ended that prayer with these words:

“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” – Matthew 6.13b

Most scholars agree that those words were not a part of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray.

It was added later, by Christians, who, by the way, were living in a world controlled by the Roman Empire. A world where the Emperor had all the power and was called a son of god.

But these early Christians knew something that might be helpful for us to remember today, there is only ONE King, ONE Ruler, ONE God who has all the power.

It’s not the emperor of any empire, the king of any country, the CEO of any company or an influencer on any social media platform. It’s Jesus.

All the power, all the glory, all the honor belong to Christ and Christ alone.

Who has the power?


And you know what, when you believe in Him and declare that Christ alone is worthy to receive all power, glory, honor and praise, and you live your life for Him… you find what you were looking for all along.

Like those first Christians living some 2000 years ago you discover that Jesus is Lord over all and no matter the circumstances surrounding you only the one who defeated the grave has the power to give you life.

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