2 Ways to YES LORD to What Matters Most

What Matters Most?

What’s the real answer to having the life you’ve always wanted?

Some of you may know the famous actor Jim Carrey.  If you read much about Jim’s life, you’ll find that he came from humble beginnings.  But he rose to fame in the late 90’s and early 2000’s when he started acting in comedy movies.  He became incredibly well known, rich, and had everything he ever wanted.  But I want you to hear what Jim Carrey once said as he reflected on his life…

“I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”
― Jim Carrey

What’s the Goal?

Isn’t that interesting?  We live in a world where, for many people, that’s what they want… to be rich and famous and have everything they ever wanted.  And even if you don’t want to be famous, you probably still would like to be rich and have everything you ever wanted!  So for a lot of us, that’s the goal.  That’s what matters most!

We even have a name for it, we call it the American Dream. 

But what if Jim Carrey is right?  What if that’s not the answer?  What if that’s not the way to the Good life?  To the life you really want, desire, and were designed for?

The Real Answer to the Life You’ve Always Wanted

There was a moment when Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, on his way to the cross, when he was approached by someone who was an expert in the religious law and he had a question for Jesus. 

He wanted to know, “What should I do to inherit eternal life?” 

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a great question.  I think that’s the question that everyone is asking in one way or another.  How can I have everything I ever wanted?  How can I live forever?  How do I get to Heaven?

Jesus answered his question with a question, he asked him… “What does the law of Moses say?  How do you read it?”  After all, the man was an expert in the religious law! He should know what matters most.

So the man answered, “You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind. And, Love your neighbor as yourself.”

To which Jesus said… That’s it, “Do this and you will live!”

What if the answer to the life you’ve always wanted isn’t found in getting rich and famous and having everything you ever wanted? 

What if the answer to having the life you’ve always wanted is found is saying YES LORD to loving God with all you are and all you have, and saying YES LORD to loving your neighbor as yourself?

Confused About What Matters Most?

Sometimes we get confused about what matters most because the world we live in is always selling us a lie.  Do this and you will really have the life you’ve always wanted!  Buy this and you’ll be happy!  Look like this and everyone will love you!  Be successful and you’ll have value. 

But ask anyone who has achieved and acquired all the world has to offer and they’ll tell you… it’s all a lie.  Empty promises. 

But if you find someone who has discovered the joy in saying YES LORD to spending time with God, talk to someone who has found the meaning in saying YES LORD to loving their neighbors and making a difference in the lives of others, and what you’ll discover is that by the world’s standards they may not be rich and famous, but in God’s economy they are the richest people on earth and their names are known in the streets of Heaven.

They have discovered what matters most!

So here’s what I want to encourage you to do today, stop pursuing the life this world offers and start pursuing the LIFE God offers. 

what matters most

Say YES LORD to loving God today.  Take time over time to be with God, in the presence of God, and experience the love God has for you. 

And say YES LORD to loving those around you.  Find ways to serve those God has placed around you, to brighten their day, to make a difference in their life. 

When you do, as you do, I believe you’ll find everything you’ve been looking for. 

You’ll find the Answer.

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