What Matters Most?

What really matters?

We can spend our days chasing after the things this world has to offer but that dream car, that dream house, that dream job… it just won’t matter a 100 years from now.

It’s so easy to get caught up in things that don’t really matter. It happens all the time. But when all is said and done, what do you want to be true of you?

I don’t know about you… but I want my kids to know that I loved them, really loved them. I want them to know that I loved their mom, that we loved each other, and that we did our very best for each other and for them.

Maybe most of all, when all is said and done, I want to be remembered as someone who loved Jesus and loved people.

You see, who we loved and how we loved who we loved, that will have a ripple effect for generations to come.

What Mattered Most to Jesus?

Before Jesus left planet earth He gave his disciples this simple yet powerful instruction. He said: Love each other as I have loved you. (John 15.12)

Jesus could have said a lot of things, he could have given them a thousand different instructions, but he knew there was only one thing that would have the power to change everything… LOVE.

Love each other. And he wasn’t talking about feeling love for each other. He wasn’t talking about the idea of love. He was talking about the kind of love that is put into action.

“Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.”

Mother theresa
what matters most
Mother Theresa

Serve Those Around You In Love

How did Jesus love his disciples? How did he put love into action? Well… He had just washed their feet. He had just become the greatest servant of all. It was an act of tremendous humility and grace.

What really matters? According to Jesus it’s this… Love each other as I have loved you. How do you do that? Look for ways to serve those around you with humility and grace.

Here we are 2000 years later still talking about the night Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

If you want to live your life in such a way that your children and grandchildren are telling your stories for generations to come, may I encourage you to live, love, and serve like Jesus. Give them stories to tell of how you served those around you in love.

As you do, you’ll be pointing them to Jesus and reminding them of his greatest command: Love each other as I have loved you.

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