corey trevathan

What Is God’s Name?

Picture this…

What is God’s name? What name do you say when you pray to Him? What do you call Him when you call upon Him?

Picture this: Moses is talking with God and asks, “What should I call You?” “What is Your Name?” And God says, “I AM WHO I AM.”

In the Hebrew language, it’s 4 simple letters: Y-H-W-H. We don’t even know exactly how to pronounce it because in the original language there were no vowels. Our best guess is something like YAHWEH.

And get this—the rabbis taught that we actually say His name every time we breathe. Inhale, “YA”; exhale, “WEH.” Every. Single. Breath. We speak the name of God!

It’s pretty amazing to think about the reality that today there are people all over our city, all across our nation, and all around the world worshipping our God. In different languages the worship of God is rising from different people in different places. All of it echos a chorus of praise in the ears of our God ascribing to Him alone the worship that only He is worthy of!

All creation sings His praise and we join our voices to raise our song to declare He is worthy, He is holy, He is great, He is God! From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, his name, the name above every other name, is praised.

Today, can I encourage you to take time to call upon the name of our great God in your own language.

Pray to Him.

Worship Him.

Cry out to Him.

He understands every word in every language we speak and He hears His name every time… even when we breathe… YWHW.

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