What if you Gravitated toward Gratitude?


What if you gravitated toward gratitude?

According to our friends at NASA, gravity can be found everywhere in space. Sometimes we think there is no gravity in space but as it turns out, there is!

They call it microgravity because the effects of it are very small.


In outer space, people and objects appear weightless but in all actuality, gravity is still at work! Gravity causes the moon to orbit around the earth and it causes the earth to orbit around the sun!

Even when it seems as if there is no gravity, it’s invisible force is always at work.

And the same is true in our lives as well. What is the gravitational pull of your life moving you toward? What is it moving you away from?

The Constant Pull Away from Gratitude

I don’t know about you, but it seems like more often than not the gravitational pull of my life is away from gratitude.


The comparison game makes me complain. It’s easy to look at those that have more than you and become discontent with all the blessings you have simply because someone else appears to have more.


The stress I’m under makes me cynical. When we’re carrying a heavy load it doesn’t take much for negativity to creep into our hearts and lives.


And then there are times when I’m just forgetful. I take the people in my life and the blessings in my life for granted. That forgetfulness often causes me to fail to realize just how much I have to be grateful for.

Overflowing with Gratitude

Paul once told a group of Jesus followers in the first century to…

Colossians 2.6-7
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.

That little greek word translated as thankfulness is the word “eucharistia” and it can also be translated as GRATITUDE!

What if instead of always losing at the comparison game, you gave God thanks for all He’s given you?

What if you laid the stress you carry and all your burdens down at the feet of Jesus remembering that He cares for you?

And what if you wrote down your blessings, remembering all that God has done for you and given to you as a way of practicing the spiritual discipline of Gratitude?

What if you set up the gravitational pull of your life to be toward gratitude?

You can!

Take time today to express your gratitude to God. Tell him what you’re thankful for. Anything that’s weighing you down lay down at his feet. And remember that He is with you and He is for you.

For that we can be eternally grateful!

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