corey trevathan

What I Learned about Handling Criticism from One Braves Pitcher

Do you like being criticized?

I’m guessing I’m like most every one else when I say I’m not a fan of criticism.  I mean, who likes to be criticized?  You’re working hard, burning the candle at both ends. trying to keep all the plates spinning.  And then you hear it.  That one negative remark.  I love what Jon Acuff says,

“1000 compliments + 1 insult = 1 insult.”

Isn’t that so true.  People can praise you all day long for the good you do.  Then one person comes along & makes one negative remark & it just sticks in your brain like a broken record.

The other day I was listening to Jim Powell & Don Sutton as they announced the Braves game.  I love listening to those guys call a game.  In my opinion they do a great job.  And those guys are full of stories.  As the game progressed the Braves had to go to their bull pen pretty early.  Luis Avilan is a left handed relief pitcher for the Braves & was called into the game to help out the struggling pitching staff.  Unfortunately, he wasn’t much help.  But he’s off to a much better start this season.

Last season Avilan struggled.  In 2014 his ERA was 4.57.  That’s coming off of the two previous seasons where is was 2.0 or below. For whatever reason he just couldn’t get it done last year.  Jim & Don tell the story this way.  Apparently Luis Avilan & former Braves pitcher Eric O’Flaherty are good friends.  Seeing how his friend was struggling, Eric calls up Luis & says, “You want to know why you had a bad year?  You’re over weight & out of shape.  Work hard, strengthen your core & you’ll be fine.”

Alright.  That might be tough to hear.  According to those who are in the know Luis Avilan had gotten lazy.  He had stopped working out.  Didn’t take practice too seriously.  He was relying purely on his talent to keep him in the game.  But his talent wasn’t enough.  He had forgotten to keep doing the things that had gotten him this far.

How do you respond to criticism?

For those of us who follow Jesus it’s not enough to claim our rights, retaliate or become defensive.  There’s another way.  A better way.  Jesus himself famously said “Turn the other cheek.”  And the wise writers of Proverbs encourage us with…

Give instruction to a wise man, & he will still be wiser;
teach a righteous man, & he will increase in learning.
Proverbs 9.9

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but a wise man listens to advice.
Proverbs 12.15

At this point, according to our friends Jim & Don, Luis Avilan had two choices.  I love how concisely they put it.  He could either “Pout or Produce.”   Avilan worked hard in the off season. He got stronger.  Lost weight.  And the hope is that his hard work will result in a better performance on the field this season.

No doubt we have all been in a similar situation.  We live in a hyper critical world.  People are often quick to criticize.  And when they do, and when it’s aimed at you, you have to decide how to respond.
Will you Pout or Produce?

So how should you respond?
1. First… Don’t listent to every critic.
Consider the source.  Listen to feedback from those who you trust.

2. Second… Remember you can’t control everything.
Work on what you can control.  You can control your effort.  You can manage your time.  You can change your attitude.

3. Last… Always work to agreed upon expectations.
You can’t please everyone.  It’s impossible.  But you can work to meet the expectations you’ve agreed on with those you serve.

Whenever you’re faced with criticism, use it as a tool to make you better.  Always be a learner.  Respond in a way that honors Christ.

To the critics out there, one quick word: Realize that you may expect more from others than they are realistically capable of being or doing.

How will you respond to criticism today?

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