turn light

Turn toward the Light

Tulips used to be my wife’s favorite flower.  That is, until she changed her mind.  Guys, in case you don’t know this already, as soon as you discover exactly what your wife likes she changes her mind & you have to start all over again trying to figure it out!

What you may or may not know is that tulips grow from a bulb.  But you have to plant the bulbs a certain way for them to have the best chance at growth.

We’ve talked about this before, that before a plant grows up it grows down.  So roots begin to form & grow down.  After that happens, a shoot begins to grow up towards the sunlight & break through the ground.

Did you know that there are certain kinds of plant bulbs, that if you plant them upside down, they won’t grow?  They won’t grow because they’re upside down.  In fact, they will rot & die in the darkness underground.

Some of you have been trying to live life upside down.  And that’s why you’re not growing.

  • Part of the reason is that you start your day with you, not with God.  That’s upside down.
  • Part of the reason is you try to fix things yourself before you turn to God to handle your problems.  That’s upside down.
  • Maybe you try to have all the answers instead of admitting that you don’t know it all. That’s upside down.
  • Maybe you’re going through life acting like you’re the Messiah, like you’re one who is responsible to fix everyone’s problems & solve every crisis that arises.  That’s upside down.
  • Maybe your world right now revolves around you & only turns to God when things get out of your control.  And that is upside down.
As long as your life is pointed in the wrong direction, you’ll never grow.  God has designed you & me in a similar way.
[Tweet “At the center of God’s heart is His desire to move us into a position to grow. #light #grow”]

The good news is that at the center of God’s heart is His desire to move us into a position to grow, & that position is toward the LIGHT. 
Listen to what Paul says to the believers in Ephesus:
“For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!  For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.”
Ephesians 5.8-9

Friday night at our house, we had just gotten the kids in bed. Me & Alisha had just started a movie when all of a sudden, the power went out.  And as soon as it went off two of our kids came & found us on the couch. What’s interesting is that even though it was already night time, even though the lights were already off, the fact that we had lost power & lost the ability to turn on the light brought out a strong emotion in both of them: FEAR.

And here’s the thought that struck me… As kids we were afraid of the dark & we loved the light. As adults, we often run from the light to hide in the dark.  You’re afraid that if what is true about you that is hidden in the darkness ever came to light, you would be ashamed. Destroyed. So fear keeps what’s hidden in the dark in the dark.

[Tweet “Fear keeps what’s hidden in the dark in the dark. #light #grow”]Once you were full of darkness. This was your spiritual condition before stepping into the light of Christ. But when you step into the light of Christ, everything changes. You begin to grow. And not only grow… Did you hear what Paul said, your life begins to produce what is good, right & true!

We GROW in Christ when we TURN toward the LIGHT.

[Tweet “We GROW in Christ when we TURN toward the LIGHT. #light #grow”]

But you can’t grow in Christ if you’re stuck in sin.  That’s not how growth works.

So I have to ask you, What sin in your life are you making excuses for right now? What behavior are you trying to rationalize?

The truth is, everybody struggles. And some of you need to hear that today because you think you are all alone in your particular struggle. You think you are the only one who struggles with the temptation & sin that you struggle with. I get it. That’s one of the enemy’s oldest & best lies. That it’s just you. But it’s not true. Everybody struggles.

For sin to be forgiven, it has to be brought out of the darkness & into the light.

Confession is the activity of bringing what has been kept in the dark into the light of God’s presence.
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Confession sets you free. It moves you out of the dark & into the light. It reveals the truth & reminds you that you are loved. Jesus didn’t die on the cross so you could pretend to be perfect. He can’t forgive what you continue to hide.

There’s an amazing fact about these tulips. On some occasions you can plant a tulip bulb upside down & it will still grow. It takes more time & more energy. But over time, that tulip bulb can actually turn itself around under ground. As the roots grow down it turns that bulb, & then the shoot begins to work it’s way to the surface, straightening itself out.

Maybe your life started out upside down. Maybe you feel like your world is upside down right now. Here’s the good news, it’s not too late. You too can make the turn. You can set your roots deep in the love of God & then you will GROW into His wonderful light.

Turn towards the Light & start to Grow!

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