What Would Happen if we turned those iPhone Notifications off?

How would you like to get some distraction free time back into your day?

A few weeks ago I read a blog post that really challenged me.  It also inspired me to make some changes with how I do life.  I don’t know if you’re anything like me but I’m easily distracted.  It doesn’t take much for me to be pulled into the vortex of social media.  Up until a few weeks ago my phone would buzz, beep, ding, ring & vibrate all day long.  There were little red icons with numbers trying to flag down my attention for almost every app.  I could look down at my phone & not come up for air for… well, a long time.

That’s when I made the decision to do the unthinkable.

I turned my notifications OFF.

Yes, I know.  You may need to read that again.  And it may seem unbelievable.  But here’s the end result.

Here’s what I’ve learned & loved when I clicked “OFF” on 99% of my notifications.

1. My phone doesn’t beep, ding, or buzz unless I get a call or text or I have purposefully set a calendar reminder.
This has been life changing.  How much uninterrupted time have I recovered?  I have no idea — but it’s a lot!  And now, when my phone does ring I know it’s important.

2. I only check Social Media when I want. On my time.
I don’t get Facebook, twitter or Periscope alerts anymore.  Or any other alerts from my other social media platforms.  I know all those notifications are there when I’m ready to look at them.  As a result, I check on those things once or twice a day.  When I want, not when they go off.

3. I can work with more focus for longer periods of time with less distraction.
Here’s the biggest difference I’ve noticed in my time.  Before, it was very hard to get anything done because I was constantly distracted with all the notifications on my phone.  Now, I can work so much better & keep a stream of thought going for more than 30 seconds at a time.

4. I can focus on my kids with more focus & less distraction.
Here’s another great discovery.  Before, every buzz & chime would distract me even when I was with my kids.  I only have a few precious hours a day with my kids.  In the morning before school & a few hours after school & work before bedtime.  Why would I want to be distracted from them during that time?

5. My day doesn’t depend on how many likes I get.
I think the reason we love notifications is that at least on some level, they tell us that people are noticing us, liking what we’re saying or posting & we find worth in that.  On a fundamental level I believe we should strive to draw our energy from the fact that we are already loved, accepted, cherished & valued.  Too often we post in order to be loved or feel loved.  But let’s change that.  Let’s live from acceptance not for acceptance.  God, your Father, loves you & accepts you & values you greatly.  Let’s live from that awesome place.

[Tweet ” Let’s live from acceptance not for acceptance. @coreytrevathan”]

The Notification Challenge.
Try it. Go to your settings & turn off notifications to everything you possibly can for a week. Even delete apps you don’t often use & put all your apps into folders so that you can declutter & simplify your screen. Then, post all you want, when you want, but only check Social Media a couple of times a day. See what changes. How much time do you get back? How much more are you able to get done? How present are you able to be with others? Is it helpful? Did you know you had the ability to change your day with one click? What would happen if you turned your notifications off?

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