My Trip to the City of Children with Emma

This past weekend I had the chance to travel to Ensenada, Mexico to be with our friends at the City of Children for the annual Leaders Meeting.  Whenever I can, I always love to take one of our kids with me when I travel.  And taking our kids to the City of Children is something Alisha & I love to do.  This is a special place for our family & we love that our kids love it as much as we do.

Last time Emma was at the City of Children was Thanksgiving 2013.  She was two.  Fourteen months later I’m not sure how much she actually remembered from that previous trip, but she was so excited to go & it was easy to see she was still familiar with the City, the kids & all our friends there.

I hope & pray our kids always have a passion for loving people all around the world.  Sunday morning I was blessed to lead worship as Americans & Mexicans gathered together in one room.  As I always do, I led songs in English & Spanish. (*Note: my Spanish isn’t that great but when the words are on the screen I’m all set!)  During that time of worship we read together in both languages these words from scripture:

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations.
For your steadfast love is great above the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

Psalm 108.3-4

It’s a brilliant reminder to me that people all over the world gather every week to worship our God.  There is no one like our God.  And we participate in something awesome & holy every week as we join with countless nations in giving Him praise.  I’m always blessed by worship.  But it’s an extra blessing to do so in Mexico with friends from a different tribe & a different language.  And to experience that again with my daughter… priceless.

This summer we’ll be taking a group to the City of Children on a mission trip.  If you’ve never been I hope you’ll prayerfully consider coming with us!  It is a life changing experience that you will never regret.  You’ll experience God’s steadfast love & faithfulness in ways you’ve never known before.

For more information about our mission trip to the City of Children July 18-24, 2015 click here.