To Obey is Better than Sacrifice

Which is better? To obey or to sacrifice?

My son is at that age where he’s learning to drive.

Maybe you remember what that was like, when you turned 16 and you were ready to get your drivers license.

One of the first things you learn when you begin to drive is that there are laws that should be obeyed. There is a speed limit that you should follow. You should stop at stop signs and red lights. You should never go the wrong way on a one way street.


If you break any of these laws you are in danger of getting pulled over by a police officer and getting a ticket. And as bad as that might seem, it’s better than getting into a wreck!, which could also happen if you break any of these traffic laws.

Rules serve a purpose.

Obeying the rules of the road, or anywhere else, will not only keep you out of trouble but will help you experience the best life has to offer.

There was a moment in Israel’s history where the prophet Samuel came to the King Saul and asked him this same question:
“What is more pleasing to the Lord:
your burnt offerings and sacrifices
or your obedience to his voice?

1 Samuel 15.22

God had given King Saul instructions to obey, but King Saul had decided to do things his own way and make sacrifices to God to make up for his lack of obedience.

Have you ever done that?

For a lot of us, we’re quick to point out what we’ve sacrificed. I may not have done that, but I gave money to help out. I may not have served those in need, or helped when I was asked, or had time to do what God was putting on my heart, but I donated to that cause. I contributed to the GoFundMe for them. I sent a gift card. I gave money. I sacrificed.

Samuel wanted Saul to know that when it comes down to obedience and sacrifice,

“To obey is better than sacrifice.”1 Samuel 15.22

Sometimes, Christianity gets a bad wrap because of the rules.

Jesus was once asked, “What is the most important commandment?” In other words, “What’s the most important rule when it comes to God?”

The religious leaders at that time had identified some 633 rules in the Law of Moses that were supposed to be kept. If you ask me, that sounds like mission impossible!

Jesus boiled it down to two. He said first, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And second, love your neighbor as yourself.

Notice that those two commandments, those two rules, they aren’t designed to keep us from anything, they are designed for us to experience the best of everything God wants us to experience in this life.

It’s important to live sacrificially. This is part of what it means to follow Jesus.

But don’t miss this… To obey is better than sacrifice.

Living your life in line with God’s desire for you leads to the experiencing the Life God wants for you.


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