corey trevathan

They’ve been married for 40 years! Count ’em!

Today I’m so excited for & proud of my mom & dad who celebrate 40 years of marriage!  What an incredible example of love & commitment.  So here’s a few things I’ve noticed in them that I believe have made their marriage strong.  I credit most of their success to the fact that they have two incredible kids.  But they’ve done a few things right along the way as well.

– They have an incredible devotion to God.  It’s not uncommon to find an open Bible in their house from where they’ve been studying the word of God.

– They are faithful & active in their local church.  I’ve never known a time when they just went to church.  There’s never been a Sunday when they’ve been at church & not been serving.  Teaching.  Helping.  Volunteering.  Doing something to bless & benefit the Kingdom of God.

– They still go on dates most every week.  (On those nights we keep the kids.  Granted, they’re our kids.)  I love that they do this & that their grandkids know they do this!

– They support & love each other.  I’m sure they disagree & have their moments, but they always present a united front & we know that no matter what they have each others back.

– They extend a lot of grace.  I know they do this for each other & for so many others.  I respect this quality a great deal in them.

– Did I mention they have two amazing kids?  That’s the real secret to their success.

Love you mom & dad!  You are amazing.  In every way.  Happy Anniversary!  Here’s to 40 more!

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