corey trevathan

Advent: At Just the Right Time

advent at just the right time

advent at just the right time

But when the right time came, God sent his Son… Galatians 4.4


Even in the silence, God was present.  Even when it seemed like God was far away, He was near.  Even when it seemed like God was still, He was moving.  Working in invisible ways behind the scenes for 400 years planning & preparing the world for what was about to happen. And then, it happened.  A new page in the story of history was turned.  God breathed the air that you & I breathe & the silence of God was broken in the most unusual of ways.  The voice of God didn’t come like the thunder.  It didn’t shake the ground & send shimmers down anyone’s spine.  It was soft.  And quiet.  And innocent.  And simple.  And beautiful.  It was the sound of a baby’s first cry.

[Tweet “God breathed the air that you & I breathe & the silence was broken with a baby’s first cry.”]


Abba Father, Even when it seems you are silent, even when it seems as if you are far away, help me trust that you are intimately aware & actively involved in the details of my life.  I can trust you are at work now because you have a history of always working things together for the good.  You are faithful & good & kind.  You entered into our story some two thousand years ago & you enter into our story today.   Your Son has come & Your Son is coming again.  I trust you.  I believe in you.  All my hope is in you.  Jesus.


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