Thank You Campus Church Family…

At our church we are in a series entitled “The Gift.”  Our preaching minister is leading us through re-thinking generosity.  As a part of this series I was asked to do a video saying Thank You to our faith family at Campus for allowing me to use my gifts to serve, bless & encourage our students at Campus.  I was so grateful for this opportunity because I am so thankful that I get to do what I do.

I have always felt so blessed by God that I get to have a front row seat to the greatest show on earth — God at work in the lives of teenagers.  And the fact that I get to be a small part of so many great stories God is authoring is both humbling & amazing.  I’m so thankful God has gifted me with the opportunity to love & serve our students & families at Campus.

My prayer is that our students will allow Christ to make his home in their hearts as they trust in him. So that their roots will grow down into God’s love and keep them strong. (Ephesians 3.17).

In case you missed it, here’s the video we shared at church this past Sunday.  Special thanks again to James Hutcheson for putting together another spectacular video.