Tag: Yahweh

we live to know God and to make him known

We Live to Know God & to Make Him Known

There’s something about us that loves a good showdown. When I was a kid one of the things I loved to do with my dad was watch western movies. If…

Our God Reigns Over All the Earth

What’s the State of the Union? I’m not one to talk much politics. But this past week our country once again heard the president give the State of the Union…

Blessed Be Your Name

God has a name

God has a name. God in & of itself is not a name.  It’s a title.  There are a lot of gods.  But there is only one true God. And…

5 Reasons to Speak the Name Yahweh

Did you know that God has a name? In Exodus 3, we come across the story where for the first time someone has the courage, the audacity, to ask God…