Tag: tithing

Pay It Forward

Giving vs. Receiving St. Francis of Assisi once prayed… “For it is in giving that we receive…” Which is really interesting because we live in a world where we think…

2 Ways to Honor God with our Money

Are you rich? You may not think of yourself as being rich but… Did you know that the median income for most people around the world is only about $2000…

Scarcity vs. Abundance

How do you VIEW God? Have you ever though about this? How you GIVE to God is determined by how you VIEW God. Jesus once told a story about a…

Should Christians Tithe?

How Much Should We Give? How much should we give back to God and to his church? Should we, as Christians, tithe? This is a question people of faith have…

4 Reasons People Give

Why do we give? Specifically, why do we give to church? I believe there are 4 reasons people give. You will probably resonate with one of the first 3 reasons,…

tithe, give, offering, church

We Give to what we Love

How to Grow Your Faith How could God reveal His faithfulness to you this year if you were to give faithfully to him each month? I want you to think…