Tag: racism

fannie lou hamer

Fannie Lou Hamer: This Little Light of Mine

This Little Light of Mine It was 1964 when a woman by the name of Fannie Lou Hamer traveled from her home in Ruleville, MS to Atlantic City to speak…

Yoel Berkowitz

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Yo’el Berkowitz

About two years ago I was blessed to travel to Israel with my wife to explore the Holy Land, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, and experience in every detail…

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Bryan Moss

It was both an honor and a blessing to share in this conversation with my friend Bryan Moss as we consider together what it means for us as followers of…

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Mario and Lauren

As we continue to think about what it means for us to follow the words of Jesus to be peacemakers in a year where we’re dealing with a pandemic, political…

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Laura Springer

This conversation on what it means for us as followers of Jesus to live out his words to be peacemakers is with my friend, Laura Springer. Ms. Springer serves as…


Peacemakers: A Conversation with Jovan Barrington

This is the first in a series of “Peacemakers Conversations.” This conversation is with my friend Jovan Barrington. Jovan serves as the Senior Minister for the Littleton Church of Christ….

The Promise, The Prophecy, Racism, and God’s Answer

Ta-Nehisi Coates once wrote these words in his book, Between the World and Me, a book that reads as a letter to his son, “Black people love their children with…