Tag: psalms

Pursuing the Heart of God

Enough When is enough, enough? Have you ever thought about that question? We live in a world that says enough is never enough! This summer my wife has been on…

Trying to Hide from God

Ever Try to Hide from Your Parents? When you were a kid, did you ever try to hide from your parents? Or hide something from your parents? There’s something within…

The Rise & Fall of Worship

A Quick Question about Worship What needs to fall in your heart and life so that worship can rise? Indiana Jones Like many of you, I’m excited about the new…

A Giant Heart for Worship

Lost in Worship What would it take for you to loose yourself in worship? Have you ever had that moment when one of your favorite worship songs was playing in…

Giants Rise & Giants Fall: The Life of David

David and His Giants Even if you didn’t grow up in church you’ve probably heard the story of David and Goliath. What’s interesting about that story, and we’ll talk more…

Friendship with God

A Friend of God? Klaus Issler once wrote a book he entitled, “Wasting Time with God.”  I love that title.  I love it because if you think about it, we…


Falsely Accused Forgiveness. Last year I heard the story of Jonathan Irons.  He had been convicted of a burglary and shooting and sentenced to 50 years in prison.  There was…

Selah Brings Perspective

Perspective Have you ever lost perspective? There was a recent survey done in Britain that revealed that only 9% of the people there want life to return to normal after…

The Good News about a Sovereign God

Hard Questions Sovereign? How do you reconcile what you believe to be true about God with the problems you see in the world around you? Here’s how most people ask…

Selah: Rest, Reflect, Remember

Selah & Restoring Life’s Balance When was the last time you intentionally slowed down long enough for your soul to catch up to your body? In his book, The Ruthless…