Tag: psalm

if you kept a record of sin

Questions: If you, O Lord, kept a record of sin, who could stand? Psalm 51

If you, O Lord, kept a record of sin, who could stand? That’s the question that is asked in Psalm 130.3.  And maybe one of the greatest psalms dealing with…

where are you God?

Questions: Where are you God? Psalm 42

Have you ever asked the question, “Where are you God?” Michael Hyatt, a successful business man & entrepreneur says, “That quite time you spend in the morning, reading God’s Word and…

another bloody sunday

(Another) Bloody Sunday // How long must we sing this song? by Taylor Hammett

This is a Guest Post from my friend Taylor Hammett. Taylor serves as the Preaching Minister at Corners Church of Christ in Atlanta, GA. For more info, please visit his blog at…

Praying for Paris and the Syrian Refugees

Today, may we continue to join our voices in prayer for Paris and for the Syrian Refugees. Much has been said over the recent events in Paris.  My heart breaks…