Tag: people

come & be lifted up

Come & Be Lifted Up

Where do you go to see God? For me, one of my favorites places to go and see God is the beach. There’s something about the ocean, the crashing of…

The Day Love Won

Love Won Rosa & Virgina It was December, 1955, when Rosa Parks found herself sitting in a jail cell in Montgomery, AL.  Her crime?  She was arrested because she was…

Loved People Love People

Some people say hurt people hurt people. If that’s true, could this also be true? Loved people love people. What does love look like? You’ve probably seen this picture or…

The Good Shepherd

It’s not just what we believe that matters, it’s what we do in light of what we believe that counts. Picture This Have you ever seen a picture like this?…

Leaving the 99

We live in a world that increasingly decreases the value of the ONE. $100 I’ve got a question for you.  I have $100.  At least I had $100.  I lost…

Jesus, Sinners, and those Religious Leaders

WHY are we here? At 11AM on August 28, 1963 something happened that you might say changed our country forever.  That day an estimated quarter of a million people descended…

lost are found

The Lost are Found

I See You in that Tree Jesus once told a story about a man who had a hundred sheep and then one was lost. He told more than one story…

Lost Sheep

What matters most to God? I don’t know if you’ve ever thought much about that question… but I think it’s an important question for us to lean into.  Because if…