Tag: peace

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Mario and Lauren

As we continue to think about what it means for us to follow the words of Jesus to be peacemakers in a year where we’re dealing with a pandemic, political…

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Laura Springer

This conversation on what it means for us as followers of Jesus to live out his words to be peacemakers is with my friend, Laura Springer. Ms. Springer serves as…


Peacemakers: A Conversation with Jovan Barrington

This is the first in a series of “Peacemakers Conversations.” This conversation is with my friend Jovan Barrington. Jovan serves as the Senior Minister for the Littleton Church of Christ….

Blessed are the peacemakers

What do you think about when you think about peace? On February 3, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln made the trip south by train and by steamboat to a location near…


Time to Trust

Do you believe God is God and if you do, do you believe God is good? Afraid? Do you remember one of the first times you were really, truly afraid?…

peace jesus prince of peace

Christmas, Peace & Jesus

Peace on Earth at Christmas? I think most of the time, Christmas could be described as an UN-Peace-Ful season. Anyone remember the infamous Tickle Me Elmo? The year was 1996…

Peace in the Middle

I’ll be honest, I don’t get on social media much.  I don’t listen to or watch much news.  I even skip or mute most commercials when we do watch tv….