Tag: Paul

build my life

Build My Life

How do we build the life we build? And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down…

built on jesus

Build My Life: Built on Jesus

Tombstone In 2007, Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth Graham, died. Before her death, she had already decided what she wanted to be written across her tombstone. And the words she chose…

holy spirit life

The Holy Spirit + Life

Simon Says… When I was a kid, one of my favorite games to play was Simon Says. Do you remember this game? I think kids still play it. Although it…

holy spirit church leadership

The Holy Spirit + Church Leadership // 2

The Truth About How We Make Decisions READ THE HOLY SPIRIT + CHURCH LEADERSHIP PART 1 HERE Can I tell you how most churches and church leaders make decisions? What…

holy spirit church leadership

The Holy Spirit + Church Leadership // 1

Decisions, Decisions… How do you make decisions? How do we make decisions as a church? How do our church leaders make decisions? And what role does the Holy Spirit play…

Holy Spirit + Creation

What do you think about when you think about the Holy Spirit? Chances are many of you don’t believe in the Holy Spirit. Not really. Practically, you live your life…

love different

Love Is a Form of Death

Love is a Form of Death… “Love is a form of death. And you have to learn how to die in order to learn how to love. That’s why the…

love, 1 corinthians 13, God, Jesus, Paul, courage, love is, Bible

Love is Our Superpower

Love is… “Love is a condition so powerful. It may be that which holds the stars and the firmament. It may be that which pushes and urges the blood in…

love power jesus world changers serve give God Bible

The Quiet Love of World Changers

Super Bowl Sunday This past we witnessed yet another Super Bowl Sunday! It’s the game where the two best teams, or at least the last two teams standing, face off…

martin luther king jr

Power + Love makes an Eternal Difference

Love Different “What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive and that love without power is sympathetic and anemic. Power at its best, power…