Tag: Paul

What does a Jesus centered church look like?

What does a Jesus Centered Church look like? That may sound like a crazy question. After all… shouldn’t every church be a Jesus centered church? Yes! Absolutely. But you know…

Want Better Relationships? Put these 7 Things at the CENTER

Relationships Can we be honest for a moment? Relationships are HARD. Whether we’re talking about friendships, marriage, the relationships you have with your kids, your neighbors, or at work… Relationships…

Why Expressing Gratitude for One Another Matters

Let us be grateful It’s November which means thanksgiving is coming! This year we’ve got family coming to our house for Thanksgiving. Each year at Thanksgiving our family shares why…

Blessing Redefined

Blessed? What does it mean to be blessed? And what does it mean to be a blessing? We live in a world that has found a way to hijack these…

Kintsugi: Beautifully Broken

Broken Let’s start over. Have you ever wanted a fresh start? Wanted to go back to the way things were? Or just pretend that certain things didn’t happen? In the…

Blessed to be a Blessing: What does it mean to be blessed?

Are you blessed? How many of you feel blessed? Or maybe you feel like you’ve been blessed at certain times in your life? I’ve got some good news for everyone…

No Separation For Us

Every Story A Testimony Every testimony comes from adversity where God had the opportunity to prove He is FOR US. And some of you know that’s true because you’ve lived…

if God is for us

If God is For Us…

If God… What would life look like if we really believed the God of the universe is for us? I think it’s an important question to ask before Easter Sunday…

God Prays For Us

Did you know that God prays for us? I don’t share this story very often because it’s deeply personal to me and my family. But I asked their permission to…

There is Hope For Us

What are you hoping for today? Some of you know that one of the things I like to do, especially in the mornings, is go for a run. When I…