Tag: Paul

shoes of peace

Shoes of Peace

What are the best shoes you could own? When I was young, having the right kind of shoes wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today. Today, the…

Faith-Full Fathers

Children Imitate their Fathers “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got…

Words Carry Weight

Your Words Carry Weight. When I was in high school and college, I really developed and mastered the art of sarcasm. Anybody else have this talent? For me and my…

Always Be Prepared

3.2 Billion People We live in a time when we have an unprecedented opportunity to pass on our faith not just to the next generation, but to the nations. But…

Remain Faithful

What We Pass On As we think about passing on our faith we realize that we are NOT called just to pass it on to our kids. We’re called to…

Not Ashamed

As followers of Jesus we have a sacred assignment to pass on our faith from one generation to the next. But for that to happen, we have to talk about…

Pursue God

Bigger, Better What are you pursuing that, if you had it, everything would be better? On July 14, 2005, a guy by the name of Kyle MacDonald was sitting at…

Family Matters: What is IT that matters most?

What is IT that matters most? What is IT that matters most? That’s an important question for us as parents and grandparents to ask and answer, and by the way……

Jesus Be the Center of Your Church

Anybody remember 2020? I don’t ever want to make light of what happened in 2020 when the world stopped and we were all sheltering in place trying to navigate what…

What does a Jesus centered church look like?

What does a Jesus Centered Church look like? That may sound like a crazy question. After all… shouldn’t every church be a Jesus centered church? Yes! Absolutely. But you know…