Tag: name

The Day Jesus Stepped Down and Slowed Down

Christmas Day is Almost Here! We’re only a few days away from… Christmas! We’re nearing the big day and if you’re anything like me, there are still a few more…

Hope Has A Name

Names It’s interesting the names kids come up with for their grandparents. Sometimes my kids will give me a hard time coming up with the names they’re going to give…

let go and let God

3 Ways to Let Go and Let God

Don’t Let Go! Have you ever heard this phrase, “Let go and Let God”? I remember a few years ago when I was teaching one of my daughter’s to ride…

Here I Am, Send Me

Ever gotten in over your head? In one of the most famous moments in scripture, these words are spoken: “Here I am, send me.” As soon as Isaiah spoke those…

Saying YES LORD to the Tension

Tension I’ve been thinking this week about different points in my life when there’s been tension.  Sometimes it’s tension in a relationship and that’s hard when there’s a conflict in…

Speak, Lord

Does God speak? Can you hear the voice of God? “Your prayer must be turned inwards, not towards a God of Heaven nor towards a God far off, but towards…

Saying, “Yes, Lord!” in Adversity

Swift Transition Time is filled with swift transitionNaught of earth unmoved can standBuild your hopes on things eternalHold to God’s unchanging handHold To God’s Unchanging Hand // words by Jennie…

3 Ways to Say “Yes, Lord!” in Your Daily Life

Yes, Lord! In Isaiah 26.8 we find these incredible words spoken by the prophet of God to the people of God living in an incredible dark and difficult time in…

Blessed Be Your Name

Blessed Be Your Name

Beginning with the End in Mind It’s hard to believe that the college football season is almost over. These past few weeks we have had some of the greatest football…

Blessed Be Your Name

We All Have the Same Name: Loved.

Have you ever been caught? Busted? We all know what it feels like to get caught. When we we’re speeding & then we see the red & blue lights flashing…