Tag: middle

Want Better Relationships? Put these 7 Things at the CENTER

Relationships Can we be honest for a moment? Relationships are HARD. Whether we’re talking about friendships, marriage, the relationships you have with your kids, your neighbors, or at work… Relationships…

Extend the Invitation to Come and See

Come and See Have you ever wondered, How do you invite friends to church? How do you talk to people about Jesus? What if you don’t know what to say…

Jesus be the Center of my Life

Begin Again As we begin a new year and I don’t know about you, but there is something special about a new beginning, a fresh start, a second chance. Every…

What Does a Jesus Centered Life Look Like?

Centered? What does life look like with Jesus at the center? As you begin this new year my guess is that you want some things to be different this year…

Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace in the In-Between It’s December 26th! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas yesterday! Some of you, like us, are probably still in Christmas mode with more…

The Good News about the Holy Spirit

In the movie, Apollo 13, this phrase became iconic… “Houston, we have a problem.” You may remember the story. In 1970, NASA was hoping to send three astronauts to the…

The Good News about Heaven

“A massive assumption has been made in Western Christianity that the purpose of being a Christian is simply, or at least mainly, to “go to heaven when you die…”– N.T….

in between

Living in the In-Between

Now What? Each year Easter Sunday is a reminder that something happened 2000 years ago that changed everything. The big question following the resurrection of Jesus following Easter Sunday is…