Tag: Luke

What pleases God?

What pleases God? Give that question some thought, and while you think about it I have a confession to make. This is not something I talk a lot about. And…

2 Ways to YES LORD to What Matters Most

What Matters Most? What’s the real answer to having the life you’ve always wanted? Some of you may know the famous actor Jim Carrey.  If you read much about Jim’s…

You Are Loved

Baarack Did you know that you are loved? This is a picture of a sheep named Baarack who was LOST in the forest for at least 5 years.  As you…

The Good Shepherd

It’s not just what we believe that matters, it’s what we do in light of what we believe that counts. Picture This Have you ever seen a picture like this?…

Leaving the 99

We live in a world that increasingly decreases the value of the ONE. $100 I’ve got a question for you.  I have $100.  At least I had $100.  I lost…

Jesus, Sinners, and those Religious Leaders

WHY are we here? At 11AM on August 28, 1963 something happened that you might say changed our country forever.  That day an estimated quarter of a million people descended…

lost are found

The Lost are Found

I See You in that Tree Jesus once told a story about a man who had a hundred sheep and then one was lost. He told more than one story…

Lost Sheep

What matters most to God? I don’t know if you’ve ever thought much about that question… but I think it’s an important question for us to lean into.  Because if…

waiting on God

Wait for it…

I don’t know if you’ve thought about this, but you only have 364 more shopping days until Christmas! When I say that, my guess is that all the parents are…

Share the Story // The Holy Spirit at Work through you

Welcome Home The other day I came across this Welcome that one church uses on Sunday. Read this and see what you think: “We may be a little different than…