Tag: Luke

I AM is With You

Ending at the Beginning When we started this series a few weeks ago, we wanted to begin with the end in mind. Today, as we end this series, I want…

He Hears Us

One Question We’re All Asking If you’re reading this and you’ve been a believer in Jesus for a long time, or if you’re reading this and you’re not sure if…

If We Believe…

Begin with the end in mind Have you ever heard someone someone say… “Begin with the end in mind.” I learned this lesson early on in life from my father….

Guess Who’s Coming to Visit

Guess Who! What do you think about when you hear this question, “Guess who’s coming to visit?” Just a few days ago I got to ask my kids this question….

We Need a Little Joy

What is Joy? Has everyone turned in their Christmas lists to the grandparents yet? Everyone updated their Amazon wish list? There’s only 21 more shopping days until Christmas! It seems…

The 4 Cups of Passover: Gratitude for the Bread of Christ and the Cup of Salvation

Gratitude + Communion My friend Jon Grottis once said, “Gratitude is like a mosaic. If you step back and look at it you see the face of God. When we…

Can I Get a Witness?

Will You Be a Witness? A few weeks ago I was home and my wife was traveling in Alabama. We’ve got family and friends in different parts of the Alabama…


I Love You, Enough My children love to give me, their father, a hard time about the mistakes I’ve made. They don’t do this with their mom, just me! They…

What pleases God?

What pleases God? Give that question some thought, and while you think about it I have a confession to make. This is not something I talk a lot about. And…

2 Ways to YES LORD to What Matters Most

What Matters Most? What’s the real answer to having the life you’ve always wanted? Some of you may know the famous actor Jim Carrey.  If you read much about Jim’s…