Tag: #GodIs

Beyond All Doubt: God Is… Jesus

Doubt? What do you do with doubt? I don’t know if you’ve noticed this trend like I have. But I’ve seen this in my kids. I think this is true…

God Is… El Elyon

A Short Life of Glory How many of you remember the game show from the late 90’s called, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Let’s play a quick round! Who…

What Is God’s Name?

Picture this… What is God’s name? What name do you say when you pray to Him? What do you call Him when you call upon Him? Picture this: Moses is…

God is GOOD & God is GREAT!

God is… Can we stop for a minute and talk about how amazing God is? God is… GOOD. And, God is… GREAT! God is… Good First off, God is Good….

God Is… In Every Language

7000 Languages & Counting Did you know there are approximately 7000 languages being spoken on planet earth right now? How many of you speak more than one language? More than…

God is… HOLY

Thinking about God What do you think about when you think about God? Over the next few weeks as we begin to lead up to Easter, we want to think…