Tag: give


What if Everyone Gave?

No Rain, No Hope In the early 1930s, severe dust storms ravaged the Great Plains. Texas and Oklahoma were among some of the states that were affected the most. Between…


We Make A Life By What We Give

The Source of the Water There’s a story about a man who was building a house on some land that was out in the middle of nowhere. He needed water…

All In

Going All IN For what would you make a drastic and life-altering act? For what would you be willing to go ALL IN? I don’t know about you but it…

Pay It Forward

Giving vs. Receiving St. Francis of Assisi once prayed… “For it is in giving that we receive…” Which is really interesting because we live in a world where we think…

Giving, Worry, and God

Worry Much? How much would you give to God if you were not worried about money? Can I make a confession, from time to time, I worry about money. I’m…

Are You Rich?

What does it mean to be truly rich? A few weeks ago I had a Saturday where I got to spend almost the entire day with my daughters. Alisha and…

2 Ways to Honor God with our Money

Are you rich? You may not think of yourself as being rich but… Did you know that the median income for most people around the world is only about $2000…

God of Abundance

If I could just have… The great theologian Janis Joplin who once sang… Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz?My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amendsWorked…

Scarcity vs. Abundance

How do you VIEW God? Have you ever though about this? How you GIVE to God is determined by how you VIEW God. Jesus once told a story about a…

Generous Giving + 3 Guiding Questions

Giving with Open Hands What happens when we are generous? When our generosity signals our readiness and expectation for God to move? When I was growing up our family went…