Tag: gather

What If Everyone Gave?

Fake It Till You Make It I was thinking about this the other day… There were a lot of things I didn’t know when I became a dad. I didn’t…

Gather: What if Everybody Served?

What if, when we gathered… What If Everybody Served? My first job in ministry, we call it a job but it was really more of a calling, was as a…

Gather: What if Everybody Gathered?

What does it mean to be the church? That’s a question worth thinking about. Is church something we show up to attend once a week? Do we choose a church…

GO and Share What You Have Seen and Heard

Where? Who? Howard Thurman was a significant American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, civil rights leader, and pastor. He once said… “There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves….

4 Reasons We GATHER as God’s Church

Becoming + Running What we do determines who we become. Some of you know this about me, but I like to run. When we moved to Sugar Land last year…

Why We Gather

Gather + Become Have you ever seen those pictures of people who have been married for a long time who have started looking like each other? It’s a strange phenomenon….

Putting First Things First

Before You Begin As we begin this new year together, it’s a chance to have a fresh start, a chance to begin again!  That’s important for you individually, but it’s…