Tag: garden


You Will Be Found

LOST? Several years ago when our kids were young we took them to Disney World for a few days. If you’ve ever been there then you know, it’s magical for…

The Red Thread: The Garden and the Blame Game

The Blame Game Have you ever played the blame game? I remember when I was a kid I was next level at playing the blame game. I have a younger…

The Red Thread: The Gospel from Before Time Began

What is the Gospel? What if we have misunderstood the Gospel story? If you ask the average person who grew up in church, in fact… even if you were to…

your kingdom come

Your Kingdom Come: The Way You Pray Changes the Way You Live

Your Kingdom Come What do you think about when you think about Heaven? What is life like in heaven? Learning to Drive Earlier this year our son turned 15. Which…

jesus prayer in the garden

Prayer in the Garden

Gethsemane Prayer It was Saturday morning, October 27, when the bus stopped across the Kidron Valley from the city of Jerusalem.  Alisha and I began walking up the hill with…