Tag: Ephesians

shoes of peace

Shoes of Peace

What are the best shoes you could own? When I was young, having the right kind of shoes wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today. Today, the…

Care-Full Mothers

It’s Not Easy Being a Mother! To quote the great philosopher Dorothy from the The Golden Girls: “It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, father’s would do…

Faith-Full Fathers

Children Imitate their Fathers “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got…

Words Carry Weight

Your Words Carry Weight. When I was in high school and college, I really developed and mastered the art of sarcasm. Anybody else have this talent? For me and my…

Marriage Matters

Why does Marriage Matter? Let’s talk about why marriage matters. But before we do, I want to hold space for the idea that we live in the real world. I…

What does a Jesus centered church look like?

What does a Jesus Centered Church look like? That may sound like a crazy question. After all… shouldn’t every church be a Jesus centered church? Yes! Absolutely. But you know…

Want Better Relationships? Put these 7 Things at the CENTER

Relationships Can we be honest for a moment? Relationships are HARD. Whether we’re talking about friendships, marriage, the relationships you have with your kids, your neighbors, or at work… Relationships…

Jesus is a Healer

Who Needs a Healer? Have you ever felt like your sin has left a mark that can’t be removed? Like there’s a stain on your soul that won’t come out?…

Jesus Paid It All

A Come to Jesus Moment Have you ever had a come to Jesus moment? You know, that moment where someone comes to you, sits you down, and tells you plainly…

The Grace that Gives us Life

Mostly Dead A while back I thought it was time to finally show my kids one of the greatest movies of all time. Some of you already know what movie…