Tag: Easter

Beyond All Doubt: God Is… Jesus

Doubt? What do you do with doubt? I don’t know if you’ve noticed this trend like I have. But I’ve seen this in my kids. I think this is true…

You are Beloved by God

You are God’s beloved It was Sunday morning after the darkest Friday the world has ever known. The one many believed was Messiah had been crucified, killed, hung on a…

No Separation For Us

Every Story A Testimony Every testimony comes from adversity where God had the opportunity to prove He is FOR US. And some of you know that’s true because you’ve lived…

in between

Living in the In-Between

Now What? Each year Easter Sunday is a reminder that something happened 2000 years ago that changed everything. The big question following the resurrection of Jesus following Easter Sunday is…

hope will arise

Hope Will Arise

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” – C.S. Lewis What…

faith, jesus, God, Bible, resurrection, cross, easter

When Believing is Seeing

What do you believe? If you’re like me, you caught this headline this past week and your heart just began to sink. I was walking out of my office when…

The Good News about Good Friday

This past Sunday was what they call Palm Sunday. It’s the day that, about 2000 years ago, Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The crowd was singing Hosanna…


It’s Sunday. Hope is Risen!

It’s Sunday.  And Hope is Risen. That’s right.  Just three days ago it seemed like hope was lost.  It appeared that hope had died.  Friday brought a darkness like the…


It’s Friday. The Day Hope Died.

It’s Friday.  It’s the day hope died on a cross. For the last three years hope was on the rise.  He wasn’t exactly like the Messiah anyone expected, but He…