Tag: children

Faith-Full Fathers

Children Imitate their Fathers “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got…

Others Matter: How do we teach our kids to put others first?

Others Matter When it comes to our kids, how can we teach them that others matter? For most of us, one of the first words we learn to say is,…

There is Hope For Us

What are you hoping for today? Some of you know that one of the things I like to do, especially in the mornings, is go for a run. When I…

God is For Us: No Obligation For Us

No Obligation Here’s something you need to know: You don’t have to do that anymore. Let me explain. When I was in college I worked at a paint store. My…

How do you move forward in family relationships? Part 2

Moving Forward in Family Relationships So how do you move forward in your relationships when you feel like your stuck? It happens sometimes.  Life gets busy.  Our kids schedules get…

Relationships: How do you move forward? Part 1

Spring Break! Every Spring Break our family has a tradition of going on a camping trip.  For years, we’ve done tent camping.  Mostly because it’s inexpensive and the kids love…

3 Books on Baptism & the Baptized Life

Baptism For the last few weeks at Riverside where I’m blessed to preach, we’ve been talking about baptism. You may have your own questions about baptism.  I’ve found that this is…


Communion: Who is Welcome at the Table?

Who is welcome to participate in Communion? I remember the first time my family was sitting in church when the communion trays were passed & one of our kids wanted…