Tag: 2 Corinthians

You are Beloved by God

You are God’s beloved It was Sunday morning after the darkest Friday the world has ever known. The one many believed was Messiah had been crucified, killed, hung on a…

Kintsugi: Beautifully Broken

Broken Let’s start over. Have you ever wanted a fresh start? Wanted to go back to the way things were? Or just pretend that certain things didn’t happen? In the…

Blessed to be a Blessing: What does it mean to be blessed?

Are you blessed? How many of you feel blessed? Or maybe you feel like you’ve been blessed at certain times in your life? I’ve got some good news for everyone…

Christ’s Love Compels Us

Christ’s love compels us to do something. The question is, What? Skunks This past summer when I was away on sabbatical, Alisha and I went to a marriage retreat at…

Faithful to Change

Things are Always Changing Over the last year so much has changed.  Our world has changed.  The way we do life has changed.  And the way we “do church” has…

Faithful to Protect

Protected? Let’s begin by putting this tension on the table. God doesn’t protect His people from everything but His people are always under His protection. For some of you, this…

All God’s Promises are Yes and Amen

Stones of Remembrance When my wife Alisha and I were in Israel, we quickly realized we needed a way to remember some of the most important moments of that trip….

what do we do when we pray and nothing changes?

Forgiving God: Unanswered Prayer

What do you do with unanswered prayer? If you’re like me, somewhere along the way life didn’t go the way you expected.  At some point in your journey you needed…

we are perfectly imperfect

We are Perfectly Imperfect

Do you have any scar stories? I don’t know if you’ve ever done this, where you swap scar stories with your friends & try to one up each other? I’ve…