I Gotta Get Better at Serving & Servant Leadership

I’m convinced that servant leadership is what we should all strive for.

Have you ever been around someone who is just a natural servant?
These people seem to always be aware of what the people around them need & they’re quick to jump into action & help however they can.  Honestly, I love these kinds of people & I long to be more like them.  I have more than one friend who is this way.  And I’m jealous!

I’ve said it before & I believe it’s true, we are never more like Christ than when we serve.

[Tweet “We are never more like Christ than when we serve. “]

Jesus was no doubt the ultimate servant.
From healing the sick, to feeding the thousands, teaching the masses, washing the feet of his friends before a meal & the ultimate act of sacrificial service – the cross… everything Jesus did was out of love & service to those around him & the world!

As HIs followers it’s a no brainer that if we want to be like Him, we have to figure this out.  Some of you do it naturally, easily.  It’s hard wired in your DNA.  You’re quick to notice what people need & eager to make it happen.  But for the rest of us less perceptive people it takes a bit more effort.  Or we have to at least raise our awareness of the needs of those around us.

Becoming a servant is important!
It’s important because becoming a servant makes us the kind of people we want to be in Christ.  It makes us unselfish.  It helps us put the needs of others before our own.  It changes our parenting.  Heals our marriages.  Advances our reputation in the office.  Changes our relationships with our friends.  When you become the lead servant in your circle of influence, it changes everything.  Does it take effort?  Absolutely!  Is it worth it?  Absolutely!

One of the things I talk to young couples about when I do premarital counseling is this idea of becoming a servant in your marriage.  One of the things I notice in broken marriages & relationships is the focus on “I,” “They” & “Me.”  I’m not getting what I need from that person.  I’m not happy anymore.  They aren’t helping me.  They don’t do anything.  They don’t make me happy.  I can’t do this alone.  Etc.  I’m not trying to oversimplify marriage problems.  So please don’t misunderstand me.  But what I am saying & what I want to communicate to the young couples we counsel is this idea… What happens when you try to out serve each other?  What would happen in your marriage if you are each always trying to out serve the other?  Wow.  This makes for a completely different kind of marriage.  It’s one that is always looking out for the needs of the other ahead of your own.  It’s one that in love always makes the effort to do more even when maybe you don’t feel like it because this is the way of the servant.  (By the way, this is what I personally love most about my wife & my marriage.  Alisha is a terrific servant to me & our family.  I keep trying to out serve her, but I can’t seem to do it!)

So how can we become better servants?

Here’s 4 practical ways I’m trying to become a better servant.

Be Observant
So the first thing is to simply raise your awareness of what’s going on around you.  Always be thinking, “What can I do to make it better?”  “How can I help?”  Sometimes we just need to change our perspective & our thought patterns from “me” to “others.”  When we start noticing & anticipating the needs of those around us we’ve taken a giant leap in becoming a better servant.

Take Initiative
But then we have to take initiative.  Don’t wait to be asked or told what to do.  Jesus was infamous for this.  He saw the need & told his disciples to feed the hungry people.  They were baffled because they had no idea what to do or how to do it.  But Andrew came to the rescue.  He took initiative.  Be found a boy who’s mother had prepared him for the day!  Good job mom!  And Jesus did the rest!

Do the Little Things 
The people who I know who are the best servants are constantly doing the little things for others to make things easier, better.  It’s doing the little things that people sometimes appreciate most.  Sometimes we want to make a big splash & do something huge.  But sometimes just doing the small things makes the biggest impact on those around us.  Think Jesus washing feet before supper.  Small thing.  Anybody could’ve done it.  No one did it.  So Jesus grabbed the towel & went to work.

Don’t Only Do What You’re Supposed to Do
Many of us just do what we’re supposed to do.  We’ve figured out what’s expected of us & we do the bare minimum.  But where’s the fun in that?  Yes, do what you’re supposed to do but don’t stop there.  Look for other ways you can use your time, talents, abilities & gifts for the sake of someone else.

Here’s what I know is true.  Jesus was the greatest leader of all time.  Why?  Because He was the greatest servant of all time.  People are drawn to servants.  Servants are people who remind us of Jesus.  Because we are never more like Jesus than when we serve.