who is your king?

Questions: Who is this King of Glory? Psalm 24

The Question of Authority

One of the things I’ve noticed about people is that we love to question authority. We question every coaching decision made by the head coach of our favorite team. We question every decision made in our work place. We say things like, “Well, if I were in charge around here I would do this…” We question decisions made by our government. We question decisions made by those in positions of power.

It’s what we do, we question authority.

And I think that if we’re honest, this is the root of all of our questions for God. If we’re being completely honest, we think we know better than God.

So our questions reveal what we would never say out loud. God, you’ve got this all wrong. God, this is what you should do. This is what I really need. This is what would make my life better.

And so many times our frustrations with God & doubts about Him have less to do with our belief in Jesus, the virgin brith, the resurrection… and more to do with the simple fact that life is not going the way we thought it was going to go & it just makes us mad.

So we end this series of questions with this question.

Except, it’s not a question for God… it’s a question for you.

Each & every one of us have to come around this question at some point in our lives. It’s a question that all of us have to answer. Those of us who believe in God & claim to follow Jesus as well as those who do not. No one gets a pass. No one gets to skip over this question.

Here’s the question. It’s really quite simple.

Who is the King of your life?

Psalm 24

A psalm of David.

In Psalm 24, David puts this question before us in a powerful way. He says…

1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him.
2 For he laid the earth’s foundation on the seas
and built it on the ocean depths.

David, who is a king, the king of Israel, begins this psalm and the first word of this psalm in the original language is Yahweh. It’s the name of God. Everything for David begins with Yahweh. Nothing exists apart from Yahweh. Even those who don’t believe in Yahweh depend on Yahweh & enjoy all that He has made.

This psalm begins with a declaration of faith that Yahweh is creator, owner, sustainer, beginner & holds all things together. This is WHO Yahweh is. It begins with identification.

Identity is important. Who we pray to is important. Who our faith is really in is important. If you don’t start here, where do you begin? Where is your hope? Your faith?

Without God, without acknowledging God as creator, owner & sustainer of everything, we loose our identity. Our purpose. Our hope. Yahweh’s identity is important because it’s in HIM that we find our identity. Who we are.

[Tweet “When we decide & declare who God is we decide & declare who we are & who our hope is in.”]

David begins with God because we begin with God. When we decide & declare who God is we decide & declare who we are & who our hope is in.

But then David asks this question… In light of who God is & all He has done…

3 Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4 Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,
who do not worship idols
and never tell lies.
5 They will receive the Lord’s blessing
and have a right relationship with God their savior.
6 Such people may seek you
and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.

David begins with a declaration of who God is, then he moves to a declaration of who we are called to be. The calling placed on our lives is to ascend the hill of the LORD. It is to move into His presence. It is to stand in His holy place. We are to seek the face of God & we are invited to receive His blessing. To receive righteousness directly from Him. Not to achieve it. But to receive it. Receive “right-ness” before God from God.

Then David gives us this picture of God as King…

7 Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.
8 Who is the King of glory?
The Lord, strong and mighty;
the Lord, invincible in battle.
9 Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.
10 Who is the King of glory?
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—
he is the King of glory.

So often in the ancient world the victorious king would return from war & lead his procession of men back into the city like a parade & a celebration would break out as the victorious king would return to his city, to his people.

David, who began this psalm by identifying God as creator ends this psalm by identifying God as King. He is the King of glory, strong & mighty, invincible in battle, mighty to save. This is who God is. He is KING.

So this is the simple question for you today…

Who is your King?

Until you come to terms with that question that you have to answer, none of your questions for God will even make sense.

In the old baseball movie, Bull Durham, Kevin Costner plays a veteran catcher named Crash Davis & he’s brought over to a AAA team to play catcher for this new, young, immature pitcher named ‘Nuke’ LaLoosh who can throw a serious fastball.

The only problem is he has no control. And what’s worse? He’s un-coachable. He won’t listen to anybody. He’s got tons of potential & tons of talent, but he’s to self consumed & to arrogant listen to anyone who might help him out.

Crash Davis can help him. He can help LaLoosh get to the next level, get to the Big Show, to the MLB. But of course, LaLoosh won’t listen. They get into the next game & Crash is calling pitches, but LaLoosh keeps shaking him off. He wants to do what he wants to do.

Finally, Crash says ok. And on the way back to take his place behind the batter, he tells the batter exactly what pitch is coming. Of course, the guy knocks it out for a homer. LaLoosh can’t believe it.

Crash takes a new baseball out to the mound. LaLoosh look at him & says, “I can’t believe it. It’s like he knew what pitch was coming.” Crash says, “That’s because he did. I told him!”

This happened a few more times until LaLoosh finally realized he couldn’t shake off the pitches that Crash was calling. And when LaLoosh gave up that control, started listening to Crash, his career took off.

What is it that God is asking you to do today?

Some of you, you’ve been shaking off the catcher for a long time. You’re not willing to do what God is asking you to do. You know the right thing to do, but you simply won’t do it. You sing songs about God being the king of your life, but the reality is, He is not your King. You’re king. Not God. Because you’re unwilling to do what He’s asking you to do.

Some of you, He’s asking you to be faithful to your wife. Some of you, He’s asking you to be faithful in your finances. Some of you, He’s asking you to be faithful to your kids. Some of you, He’s asking you to be faithful to the church.

Some of you, He’s asking you to forgive that person you’re holding a grudge against. Some of you, He’s asking you to say, “I’m sorry.” Some of you, He’s asking you to turn from your sin.

Some of you, He’s asking you to be faithful through your sickness. Some of you, He’s asking you to hold on to your faith even though your in the middle of a deep struggle. Some of you, He’s asking you to give your life to Him & be baptized & make Jesus the King of your life.

Will you let Him be your king? Will you submit to His ultimate authority?

Here’s the simple truth…

The king who reigns in you will also reign over you.

[Tweet “The king who reigns in you will also reign over you.”]

And the King of Glory who reigns over all the earth wants to reign in your heart.

Jesus, the King of kings & Lord of lords wants to reign in your heart & over your life.

Will you let him?