Pray for Will…

I’d like to ask you to pray for our son Will.

Monday morning we got the phone call from the doctor that every parent hates.  Alisha was pulling into her first day of work at GAC as a K3 teacher when the dermatologist called.  While I was in Mexico she had taken Will to see this dermatologist because she was concerned about this place on his ear that looked suspicious.  After looking at it the doctor wanted to remove it that day and send it off for testing.  Neither Will nor Alisha were prepared for that.  Anxiety flooded his little body and needless to say, they were unable to do the biopsy.  Fast forward a week.  I’m home from Mexico and I go with them back to the dermatologist.  Will was incredibly brave and they were able to remove the spot on his ear.

Then we wait.  A week goes by.  Then a few more days.  Then this past Monday we get the call.  The test was inconclusive, but it could be Melanoma.

So later that same day we find ourselves in the office of a Melanoma Oncologist Specialist.  We learn that Melanoma is extremely rare in kids.  But, of course, you want to err on the side of caution.  They schedule us to return the following day because they want to do another biopsy.  Get a better sample and hopefully get better information about what we’re dealing with.  We’ve been super impressed and thankful for these doctors who have taken our case.  So Tuesday I take Will back to get another biopsy.  But it didn’t go so well.  He got so worked up that they couldn’t do the procedure.  To be fair, they can’t sedate him in their office.  And the strongest thing we could give him was Benadryl to make him sleepy.  But the rush of fear and adrenaline overpowered that!

So, as of right now we’re scheduled to go in Tuesday morning to Northside Hospital.  They’ve scheduled an O.R. where they can put him to sleep, take the biopsy and stitch him up.  It will be a quick procedure.  But the hope and prayer is that we’ll have more information to know what our best next steps are.  We believe that even if it is Melanoma that we’ve caught it early and that with minor surgery they can remove it and all will be well.

Even though we have great confidence in the doctors God has led us to, our ultimate hope, faith and trust is in God alone. And we believe deeply in the power of prayer.  It’s humbling and amazing that the God of the universe is our Father.  That He hears us when we pray.  That He is always working for our good and for His ultimate glory.  So please join us in asking Him to make Will’s complete healing the latest accolade to His glory.

Thank You!