
Praise Before My Breakthrough

Keep on Praying

When Jesus taught some of His first disciples about prayer, he said…Don’t stop praying. God, your Father in Heaven, hears every prayer you pray. So keep on asking. Keep on seeking. Keep on knocking.

I think Jesus wanted to remind these praying people of this truth:

Your Father in Heaven hears every prayer you pray.

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I can just imagine Jesus standing before this audience who had been praying & praying during 400 years of silence for a Messiah to come.  And now, here in this moment, Jesus stands before His early disciples with a smile on His face saying, “Keep on asking. Keep on seeking. Keep on knocking.”

The very One they had prayed for so long to come was standing right in front of them!

We are here today, in part, because of their faithfulness in prayer!

But sometimes, like those early disciples, we too grow weary in prayer.  Jesus reminds us, even in those moments, to keep on praying.

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Praise Before My Breakthrough

Last year, Bryan & Katie Torwalt wrote & released a song entitled: “Praise Before My Breakthrough.”

The lyrics to the chorus are simply…

I’ll praise before my breakthrough
‘Til my song becomes my triumph
I will sing because I trust You
I will bring my heart
I will lift my song

I think those words capture part of the heart of Jesus in this moment when He says, Don’t stop now!  Keep praying.

Don’t Give Up On God

So many people give up on God right before they experience their breakthrough.

But what if the children of Israel had given up on God before they crossed the Red Sea? They would have never entered the Promised Land!

What if Abraham had given up on God in his old age before Isaac was born?  He would have never been the father of many nations!

What if Peter had given up on God after he had denied Jesus 3 times? He would have never seen 3000 people to come to faith in Jesus! 1000 people came to faith for every denial!

What if Paul had given up on God when he experienced a thorn in the flesh? You & I might not be here today!

Breakthrough is coming for you.

Your God, your Father in Heaven hears you when you pray.

I don’t know when. I don’t know how. I don’t know if it will be on this side of Heaven. But I know that God loves you, God hears you & God will “give good gifts to those who ask him.”

Don’t give up on God today. He has not given up on you!

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“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
Ephesians 3.20-21

May we be a generation praying for things so great that we may not see them in our lifetime, but we trust that God our Father hears every prayer we pray and that He will be faithful to give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7.7-11.



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