corey trevathan

Peacemakers: A Conversation with Laura Springer

This conversation on what it means for us as followers of Jesus to live out his words to be peacemakers is with my friend, Laura Springer.

Ms. Springer serves as the Principal for Coppell High School here in Coppell, TX.  For more than 35 years, she has served in CISD in different ways and has impacted thousands of lives through her work in our schools.  

I’m thankful for the way Ms. Springer, as a person of faith here in our community, works to bring peace to others through the many ways in which she loves our kids.  

This is a conversation Ms. Springer and I recorded over Zoom for our church at Riverside about what it means for us to peacemakers.  I pray it is a blessing to you.

“Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.” 1 Peter 3:11

This conversation was recorded for the Riverside Church in July 2020 and can be viewed on the Riverside YouTube Channel.

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