The Red Thread: Tent Camping, God, and the Exodus

Tent Camping Have you ever thought about going tent camping with Jesus? When our kids were little, Alisha and I would often ask other parents… parents that we looked up…

The Red Thread: Put to the TEST by God

This is ONLY a TEST The other day I was driving and I had the radio on. It was one of those days when you hear the static over the…

The Red Thread: The Garden and the Blame Game

The Blame Game Have you ever played the blame game? I remember when I was a kid I was next level at playing the blame game. I have a younger…

The Red Thread: The Gospel from Before Time Began

What is the Gospel? What if we have misunderstood the Gospel story? If you ask the average person who grew up in church, in fact… even if you were to…

Jesus Be the Center of Your Church

Anybody remember 2020? I don’t ever want to make light of what happened in 2020 when the world stopped and we were all sheltering in place trying to navigate what…

What does a Jesus centered church look like?

What does a Jesus Centered Church look like? That may sound like a crazy question. After all… shouldn’t every church be a Jesus centered church? Yes! Absolutely. But you know…

Jesus at the Center of our Purpose

Purpose: Love in Action When all is said and done, what do you want to be true of you? Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning. Love…

What Matters Most?

What really matters? We can spend our days chasing after the things this world has to offer but that dream car, that dream house, that dream job… it just won’t…

Want Better Relationships? Put these 7 Things at the CENTER

Relationships Can we be honest for a moment? Relationships are HARD. Whether we’re talking about friendships, marriage, the relationships you have with your kids, your neighbors, or at work… Relationships…

Invite: Jesus at the Center of Every Invitation

Come and See In 2005 me and Alisha built our very first home. During our first year of marriage we lived in a one bedroom apartment. After that we lived…