Search Results for "prayer"

The Red Thread: Put to the TEST by God

This is ONLY a TEST The other day I was driving and I had the radio on. It was one of those days when you hear the static over the…

The Red Thread: The Garden and the Blame Game

The Blame Game Have you ever played the blame game? I remember when I was a kid I was next level at playing the blame game. I have a younger…

The Red Thread: The Gospel from Before Time Began

What is the Gospel? What if we have misunderstood the Gospel story? If you ask the average person who grew up in church, in fact… even if you were to…

Invite: Jesus at the Center of Every Invitation

Come and See In 2005 me and Alisha built our very first home. During our first year of marriage we lived in a one bedroom apartment. After that we lived…

Jesus be the Center of my Life

Begin Again As we begin a new year and I don’t know about you, but there is something special about a new beginning, a fresh start, a second chance. Every…

What Does a Jesus Centered Life Look Like?

Centered? What does life look like with Jesus at the center? As you begin this new year my guess is that you want some things to be different this year…

We Need a Little Joy

What is Joy? Has everyone turned in their Christmas lists to the grandparents yet? Everyone updated their Amazon wish list? There’s only 21 more shopping days until Christmas! It seems…

We Need a Little Hope

Hope + Expectation How many of you already have your Christmas decorations up? I think all the stores had the Christmas stuff on display as soon as Halloween was over….

Why Expressing Gratitude for One Another Matters

Let us be grateful It’s November which means thanksgiving is coming! This year we’ve got family coming to our house for Thanksgiving. Each year at Thanksgiving our family shares why…

Generous Giving + 3 Guiding Questions

Giving with Open Hands What happens when we are generous? When our generosity signals our readiness and expectation for God to move? When I was growing up our family went…