Search Results for "baptism"

Without Wind There is No Fruit, Part 1

Who likes adversity? We’re concerned with how things turn out; God seems more concerned with how we turn out.– Philip Yancey Maybe now, more than ever, we’re highly concerned with…

Blessed are the peacemakers

What do you think about when you think about peace? On February 3, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln made the trip south by train and by steamboat to a location near…

The Good News about Heaven

“A massive assumption has been made in Western Christianity that the purpose of being a Christian is simply, or at least mainly, to “go to heaven when you die…”– N.T….

watershed moment, built to rise

A Watershed Moment

Living in a DIY World This goes without saying, but we live in a DIY world, where you’re always just one YouTube video away from being able to fix anything…

holy spirit life

The Holy Spirit + Life

Simon Says… When I was a kid, one of my favorite games to play was Simon Says. Do you remember this game? I think kids still play it. Although it…

family church

What if the church were like a family?

Family How do you know how much you’re worth? When I was a kid, our family played a lot of card games. Games like War where 2 people lay down…

The Good News about Good Friday

This past Sunday was what they call Palm Sunday. It’s the day that, about 2000 years ago, Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The crowd was singing Hosanna…

through the water

Through the Water: The Red Sea

Get Out of Jail Free Card? When I was a kid one of the board games I loved to play with my family was Monopoly.  Any Monopoly fans? For you…


Communion: Who is Welcome at the Table?

Who is welcome to participate in Communion? I remember the first time my family was sitting in church when the communion trays were passed & one of our kids wanted…

When God was Born

When God was Born

This past week I watched one of our favorite Christmas movies with my daughter, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” If you’ve ever seen it, then you know it’s a great movie….