Search Results for "prayer"

When You Give to the One in Need

Can you stretch your generosity? It’s almost that time of year when you’ll start seeing people outside of stores ringing a bell & standing by a red pale. It’s the Salvation…

insecurity excuses god

Insecurity, Excuses & God by Jason Graves

This is a Guest Post from my friend & partner in ministry, Jason Graves. Jason serves as the Spiritual Formation Minister at the Riverside Church of Christ in Coppell, TX. I have…

no longer slaves

No Longer Slaves of Fear

Sometimes there’s a song that hits repeat in my heart.  At Riverside Church where I’m blessed to worship, we’re talking right now about “Overcoming Fear with Faith.”  It’s a challenging series…

kingdom of heaven

4 Books about what the Kingdom of Heaven is Like

What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? This is a question we’ve been talking about this summer at Riverside Church where I preach.  We’ve been looking at the stories Jesus used…

always pray & never give up

Always Pray and Never Give Up

Sometimes it’s good to be reminded that we need to always pray & never give up. When you were a kid, did you ever play the game MERCY? You know,…

5 ways to grow your faith

5 Ways to GROW your Faith (REPOST)

This content was originally posted at There’s a universal truth in this world God has created: Healthy things grow. Every green tree buds in the spring.  Every fresh flower opens it’s…

songs theology heaven

Songs & Theology #1: Heaven Songs by DJ Bulls

This is a Guest Post from my friend & partner in ministry, DJ Bulls.  DJ serves as the Worship Minister at the Riverside Church of Christ in Coppell, TX.  For…

books grow faith

4 books on how to grow your faith

“How do you grow your faith?” Throughout the month of May at Riverside,  we’ve been talking about this question. It’s an interesting question, no doubt.  And there’s more than one…

How to Grow Your Faith

How do you grow your faith? This is a question I asked at our church this past Sunday.  I had my daughter & one of her friends help me illustrate…

What to do when you don’t know what to do: Part 2

What do you do when you don’t know what to do next?  Where do you turn?  Where do you find your hope? As I meet & talk with people on…