Search Results for "prayer"

how long, o lord

Questions: How Long, O Lord? Psalm 13

Have you ever had a “How long, O Lord?” moment or season in life? My daughter Emma, she’s our 3rd child, keeps us laughing.  She’s 6 years old now &…

whom shall i fear

Questions: Whom Shall I Fear? Psalm 27

What are you afraid of today? And if you believe that the God of the Bible is with you… why do you still struggle with fear? Shouldn’t the people of…

if you kept a record of sin

Questions: If you, O Lord, kept a record of sin, who could stand? Psalm 51

If you, O Lord, kept a record of sin, who could stand? That’s the question that is asked in Psalm 130.3.  And maybe one of the greatest psalms dealing with…

where are you God?

Questions: Where are you God? Psalm 42

Have you ever asked the question, “Where are you God?” Michael Hyatt, a successful business man & entrepreneur says, “That quite time you spend in the morning, reading God’s Word and…

five love languages touch

The Five Love Languages: Touch

Did you know… You cannot live without the power of touch. We learned a long time ago from research done in orphanages caring for infants that babies who were not…

tips graduating seniors

5 Quick Tips for Graduating Seniors

It’s that time of year again. Graduation! At Riverside where I’m blessed to preach we recently celebrated our seniors as they prepare to graduate from high school & go to…

resurrection life faith

Jesus: I Am the Resurrection & the Life

Swimming with Sharks? Last fall Alisha & I got to take our kids to Disney World for the first time.  I’ll never forget mid-way through our trip me & Will…

give me faith

Give Me Faith

This past week we talked about faith as a verb at Riverside where I’m blessed to preach each week.  This is one of my favorite songs when I think about…

i am the gate

Jesus: I AM the Gate

A Break in Gone Wrong About three years ago, in Chicago, there was an attempted break-in at a local restaurant & bar. Thankfully the burglar was unable to break in…


What Does God Look Like?

What does God look like? It’s said that half the world’s population lives on less than $2 a day. And half of them live on less than $1 a day….