Search Results for "prayer"

jesus holy land israel

Come to the Holy Land // Israel 2020

Seeing Jesus in the Land of Israel How would you like to go to the Holy Land? To the place where Jesus lived, died, and rose again? Last year, Alisha…

virtue make a difference

3 Virtues of Faith-Filled Difference Makers

Make a Difference Do you want to make a difference? Do you want your life to count for something? Do you want to be remembered as someone who, by the…

invitation renovation part 2

An Invitation to Renovation // Part 2

3 Things You Need For A Renovation Have you ever really thought about how a renovation happens? Whether you’re trying to renovate just a room in a house or even…

built on truth

What is Truth?

A Giant Sinkhole! Two years ago in Florida, something happened that hadn’t happened in more than 30 years. That summer, in 2017, the news broke that a large sinkhole had…

built on jesus

Build My Life: Built on Jesus

Tombstone In 2007, Billy Graham’s wife, Ruth Graham, died. Before her death, she had already decided what she wanted to be written across her tombstone. And the words she chose…

holy spirit church leadership

The Holy Spirit + Church Leadership // 1

Decisions, Decisions… How do you make decisions? How do we make decisions as a church? How do our church leaders make decisions? And what role does the Holy Spirit play…

holy spirit as the way

The Way + The Holy Spirit

Chasing After Someting Here’s what I believe is true… We were created to pursue. To desire. To crave. To go after. We’re all chasing after something. We live in a…

Holy Spirit + Breath

What would happen if you couldn’t take your next breath? Have you ever thought about how important the Holy Spirit is to your spiritual life? I was thinking about this…

Stay True

Stay True

How have we contributed to the atheism of our children? About a year ago, I was with my son at baseball practice one night. He came up to me about…

Faith and Family

Leaving a Legacy If you go to, you’ll find obituaries from all across the country. This past week the national spotlight was on the obituary for a man by…