Search Results for "family"


Humility: Saying a Quiet Yes to God

It’s Hard to be Humble In 1980, a country music singer and songwriter from Lubbock, TX by the name of Mac Davis released a hit song entitled, “It’s Hard to…

Here I Am, Send Me

Ever gotten in over your head? In one of the most famous moments in scripture, these words are spoken: “Here I am, send me.” As soon as Isaiah spoke those…

Saying, “Yes, Lord!” in Adversity

Swift Transition Time is filled with swift transitionNaught of earth unmoved can standBuild your hopes on things eternalHold to God’s unchanging handHold To God’s Unchanging Hand // words by Jennie…

Selah Brings Perspective

Perspective Have you ever lost perspective? There was a recent survey done in Britain that revealed that only 9% of the people there want life to return to normal after…

Selah: Rest, Reflect, Remember

Selah & Restoring Life’s Balance When was the last time you intentionally slowed down long enough for your soul to catch up to your body? In his book, The Ruthless…

Encourage One Another

Are you feeling encouraged? When was the last time you felt really encouraged by someone? I’ve written before about the 5 different Love Languages.  There’s… Words of AffirmationActs of ServiceReceiving…

OneAnothering: Serve One Another in Love

A Consumeristic World A few weeks ago my parents were in town and so my wife and I were able to go out on a date night.  Here’s how you…

Relationships: How do you move forward? Part 1

Spring Break! Every Spring Break our family has a tradition of going on a camping trip.  For years, we’ve done tent camping.  Mostly because it’s inexpensive and the kids love…

How to live wisely

How do you know how to live wisely? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? How many of you remember the game show from the late 90’s called, “Who Wants to…


How can you look forward with FAITH in uncertain times?

Seeing Clearly with Faith Sometimes things that are far away appear blurry, unclear, and uncertain. It’s normal to worry about what’s ahead when the future is unknown but what if…