Search Results for "prayer"

Selah Brings Perspective

Perspective Have you ever lost perspective? There was a recent survey done in Britain that revealed that only 9% of the people there want life to return to normal after…

The Good News about a Sovereign God

Hard Questions Sovereign? How do you reconcile what you believe to be true about God with the problems you see in the world around you? Here’s how most people ask…

Selah: Rest, Reflect, Remember

Selah & Restoring Life’s Balance When was the last time you intentionally slowed down long enough for your soul to catch up to your body? In his book, The Ruthless…

How to live wisely

How do you know how to live wisely? Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? How many of you remember the game show from the late 90’s called, “Who Wants to…

The Good Shepherd

It’s not just what we believe that matters, it’s what we do in light of what we believe that counts. Picture This Have you ever seen a picture like this?…

lost are found

The Lost are Found

I See You in that Tree Jesus once told a story about a man who had a hundred sheep and then one was lost. He told more than one story…

Faithful to Keep His Word

Until you trust the faithfulness of God you will not remain faithful to God. A Truer World In 1895, W.E.B. Du Bois graduated from Harvard University with a PhD.  In…

Faithful to love

Failure? What does a God who is good do with people who fail?  The reality is, failure is a part of every person’s journey.  Let me say that again because…

Faithful through the Ages

What does faithfulness look like? Sometimes it may be hard to define what faithfulness is or what it looks like. But we know about the opposite of faithfulness.  Unfaithfulness.  We…

3 Reasons we Forget that God is Always Good

God is always good.  All the time.And all the time.  God is good. But if you’re anything like me… sometimes you forget that simple, yet powerful, truth. 3 Reasons we…