corey trevathan

One Thing Remains…

I love to lead worship.  Over the past five years at Campus it has been my joy to lead worship alongside these guys in the Campus Student Ministry.  Now these guys have graduated & are all set for college.  I’ve been blown away by their musical ability & talent.  These guys are some of the best musicians I know!  And they’re teenagers!  They’re unbelievable.  But even more than that, these guys have impressed me with their hearts for God.  They are teenagers who are deeply in love with the Lord Jesus Christ.  Are they perfect?  No.  They would be the first to admit that.  But they are followers of Jesus.

We often pray before we lead worship that God would give us clean hands & pure hearts as we lead.  And we pray that those we lead would not see us, only Jesus.  So I even hesitate to write this because these guys would be quick to deflect any praise & redirect it towards their Heavenly Father. It’s my prayer that they’ll spend all their days doing just that.  Using every ounce of the ability God has given them to point others to Christ & to His great love.  Jack, Ryan, Landon & Ryan — May you remember that at the end of it all the love of God remains & it is enough for you.  May you take that long walk in the same direction with Christ.  May you stay near the cross.

I look forward to leading worship with you again!  Until then…

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