mother's day

My Mom Rocks: A Mother’s Day Tribute

Happy Mother’s Day!

I can’t believe that almost 40 years ago, God saw fit to give me such an amazing mother.  I’ve tried my best to raise her well over the past four decades.  It’s taken a lot of sacrifice, tough love, late nights & patience… but I’m proud of her & how far she’s come.

I’m joking of course.

My Mom rocks!  And she’s done more for me than I’ll ever know!

Today, on Mother’s Day, I just wanted to take a quick moment to tell you, Mom, that I love you & I’m thankful for you!  I’m blessed to call you my mom & my friend.

Just in case anyone is wondering, here’s 6 reasons my mom is better than yours… I mean, 6 reasons my mom rocks!

6 Reasons My Mom Rocks!

1. She loves God with her whole heart.

My mom has always loved God as long as I’ve known her.  And one of the things I appreciate most about her is how she brings God into every conversation.

I remember being a small kid & pretty much the answer to every question was God.  Why is the sky blue?  That’s the color God chose.  Why do birds sing?  Because God made them that way.  I truly don’t remember the exact questions I asked or her exact answers, but I do remember the answer to every question went back to God.

Combine that with her tattered & worn Bible, evidence of her time over time spent in conversation with God… her love for God has made a dramatic impact on me & so many others.

2. She has always loved my dad & let us know she loves him still, despite his bad jokes (sorry dad).

I don’t know who, but someone once said the most important thing you can do for your kids is to love your spouse.  My parents have done that.

Everyone knows marriage is hard work.  I don’t think there are any exceptions to that rule.  Loving & living with someone over time is challenging.  I think it’s one of the reasons that scripture compares the love of God to marriage.  The church is called the bride of Christ & we are called to love each other the way Christ loves the church.  Marital love is more than a feeling, it’s a verb, it’s a choice.

My mom has loved my dad through thick & thin & in so doing she has demonstrated the love of Christ to her kids.  It’s a great testimony to the love of God & a great legacy that I hope to carry on in my own family.

3. She teaches her grandkids about the love of God.

Funny thing, my kids ask their Nana the same questions I asked when I was a kid.  Guess what, God is still the answer to almost every question.  I love that.

Every summer mom takes the kids for a week & does Nana Camp.  Our kids love it.  They do a lot of things, but the cornerstone to the whole week every year is some biblical truth.  It’s almost like our kids get their own personal VBS for a week at Nana’s house.

I love that my kids are learning about the love of God from the same person that taught me so much about that same love.

4. She’s always a phone call away.

I think she’s finally figured out how to work that iPhone.  I still serve as tech support for that device for her, but I’m glad to know I can call her & she’ll always answer.

Having a mom that is only a phone call away is a real blessing & I’m thankful for that.  I know not everyone can say that.  I’m grateful I can call & we can talk about whatever is going on that day or that week with no expectation to solve the worlds problems.

5. She’s a servant in every since of the word.

My mom has always sacrificed for her family, served her church & put others needs ahead of her own.  I’ve witnessed this over the years & it has left an indelible mark.  It has formed me & shaped me more than she knows.

I don’t know any two people who are greater servants, especially of the local church, than my parents.  It’s probably one of the reasons I’m in full time ministry.  I don’t know what else I would do!  The model that’s always been before me has always been one of service.  To the family first, the church second & then to anyone else who might need help.

My mom has always loved & served our family faithfully.  She has always served the church… I can’t remember a time when she wasn’t teaching a children’s class.  She teaches year round, Sunday’s, Wednesday’s, whenever.  Children’s Ministers love her!  And she’s always quick to help those who need a helping hand for whatever reason.

I love that about her!

6. I’m her favorite son.

Ok, I’m her only son. But I’ll take what I can get. She’s always let me & my sister know how highly she thinks of us.

I’ve always thought that the two most important things any parent can tell their kids are 1) I love you & 2) I’m proud of you.  My mom says both & I’m living proof that those words have made a lasting difference in my life.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!  I love you!  Keep being awesome.